Believe adalah sebuah kisah yang tidak biasa-biasa saja, berdasarkan sejarah perjalanan hidup Komandan Pasukan Pengamanan Presiden (Danpaspampres) Republik Indonesia, Mayor Jenderal TNI Agus Subiyanto, S.E., M.Si. Buku ini mengisahkan seorang manusia yang bangkit dari keterpurukan menuju kesuksesan sesuai dengan apa yang diinginkan. Perjuangan hidup yang diwarnai masa lalu penuh kepahitan dan k…
We present this book as a form of creativity for grade 10 TN33 students. This book presents a collection of interesting stories about the beauty of locations in Indonesia. Through these stories, we invite readers to know about the beauty, cultural wonders, and traditions of each amazing place. Each story captures the essence of the student's journey and describes the uniqueness and richness of…
Through the writings of its authors, this book takes readers on an incredible journey to explore Indonesia's natural beauty, cultural richness, the natural charm of Indonesian history, and hidden destinations all around Indonesia. This book was created by the 33rd generation of Taruna Nusantara high school students who wanted to share with readers their personal stories and exciting adventure…
We present this book as a result of the hard work and creativity of the 10th-grade students of TN33. This book presents a collection of stories that are follow-ups of their vacation experiences and adventures in various places. Through these stories, readers will be given a glimpse of the various cultures, beauties, and traditions of each place that make this book unique and enchanting. This…
We present this book as a result of the hard work and creativity of the 10th-grade students of TN33. This book presents a collection of stories that are follow-ups of their vacation experiences and adventures in various places. Through these stories, readers will be given a glimpse of the various cultures, beauties, and traditions of each place that make this book unique and enchanting. This…
Beyond the urban landscapes, the students venture into the heart of Indonesia's natural wonders. They encounter many things that they haven't seen before, gadang clock at Padang, they also meet fascinating wildlife like orangutans in the wildlife rescue center, and a beautiful tea garden in Bandung. They hike through lush rainforests, and relax on pristine beaches with powdery white sand and cr…